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Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method - Book 2. Jeff Schroedl. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Метод - Книга 2. Jeff Schroedl. Guitar таблатура нотни листове.


Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method - Book 2 for Guitar. Guitar Tab Method. Softcover with CD. Guitar tablature. 32 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.696616. ISBN 1458421929. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. This innovative method for acoustic or electric guitar picks up where Book One leaves off. Learn notes up the fretboard with riffs like “Purple Haze” and “Sunshine of Your Love,” lead guitar licks from Stevie Ray Vaughan and Eric Clapton, more chords with songs by the Beatles and Bob Dylan, and much more. The method's unique, well-paced, and logical teaching sequence will get students playing more easily than ever before, and music from popular artists like Jimi Hendrix, Metallica, and Pearl Jam will keep them playing and having fun. The accompanying CD features demos of all 80 riffs and songs in the book. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. American Woman. Addams Family Theme. Learning To Fly. Joy To The World. Get Ready. Take Me To The River. Changes. I Don't Know. All I Wanna Do. Pride And Joy. La Grange. Smooth. Rock Lobster. Hallelujah. Hold The Line. Don't Stop Believin'. Seven Nation Army. He's A Pirate. Bang A Gong. Get It On. The Boys Are Back In Town. Barracuda. The House of the Rising Sun. Birthday. Theme From King Of The Hill. Brain Damage. Can't Buy Me Love. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town. Detroit Rock City. Do-Re-Mi. I'm Shipping Up To Boston. My Best Friend's Girl. Everybody Hurts. Jessie's Girl. Misirlou. Spanish Bolero. Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue. Has Anybody Seen My Girl. Fly Like An Eagle. Free Bird. Goodbye To Romance. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Hello, Goodbye. Helter Skelter. I Hate Myself For Loving You. I Saw Her Standing There. Iron Man. The Joker. Love Me Tender. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Mama, I'm Coming Home. The Munsters Theme. The Pink Panther. Purple Haze. Runnin' Down A Dream. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Sleepwalk. Still Got The Blues. Sunshine of Your Love. Talk Dirty To Me. Taxman. That'll Be The Day. The Thrill is Gone. Tin Pan Alley. The Trooper. Twist And Shout. Wonderful Tonight. Am I Evil. South Of Heaven. Plush. You Give Love A Bad Name. You Shook Me. Like A Rolling Stone. Rock You Like A Hurricane. Up Around The Bend. Wherever I May Roam.


Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Метод - Книга 2 за Guitar. Guitar Метод Tab. Меки корици с CD. Guitar таблатура. 32 страници. Публикувана от Hal Leonard. HL.696616. ISBN 1458421929. С китара таблатура. 9х12 инча. Този иновативен метод за акустична или електрическа китара вдига където Book One свършва. Научете бележки до грифа с рифове като "Purple Haze" и "Блясъкът на Your Love," соло китара ближе от Stevie Ray Vaughan и Eric Clapton, повече акорди с песни на Бийтълс и Боб Дилън, и много повече. Уникален, добре опитен, и логично преподаване последователност Методът ще се студенти, които играят по-лесно от всякога, и музика от популярни изпълнители като Jimi Hendrix, Metallica, и Pearl Jam ще ги накара да играете и да се забавляват. В придружаващия CD разполага демонстрации на всички 80 рифове и песни в книгата. Jesu, Joy Of желаейки човека. American Woman. Addams Family Theme. Опит за летене. Joy To The World. Get Ready. Take Me To The река. Промени. Аз не знам. All I Wanna Do. Гордостта и радостта. La Grange. Гладък. Rock Lobster. Hallelujah. Hold The Line. Не спирайте Believin ". Seven Nation Army. Той е A Pirate. Bang A Gong. Get It On. Момчетата са Back In Town. Barracuda. Къщата на изгряващото слънце. Рожден ден. Theme От King Of The Hill. Brain Damage. Не мога да си купя любов. Възрастна жена зад гишето в малък град. Detroit Rock City. Да-Re-Mi. Аз съм Shipping Up To Boston. Girl Моят най-добър приятел. Everybody Hurts. Girl Джеси. Misirlou. Испански Bolero. Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue. Има Някой да е виждал My Girl. Лети като орел. Free Bird. Goodbye To Romance. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Hello, Goodbye. Helter Skelter. Мразя се защото те обичам. Видях я да стои там. Iron Man. The Joker. Love Me Tender. Lucy In The Sky с диаманти. Мамо, аз съм Завръщане у дома. The Munsters темата. The Pink Panther. Purple Haze. Runnin 'Първа A Dream. Sgt. Lonely Hearts Club Band Пепър. Sleepwalk. Still Got The Blues. Блясъкът на Your Love. Говорете Dirty To Me. Taxman. Това ще бъде денят. The Thrill Is Gone. Tin Pan Alley. The Trooper. Twist And Shout. Wonderful Tonight. Am I Evil. South Of Heaven. Плюш. Можете Дайте любов A Bad Наименование. Вие Shook Me. Like A Rolling Stone. Rock Вие Like A Hurricane. Up Around The Бенд. Където и да да Roam.
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