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Leo Kottke - Home & Away Revisited. Leo Kottke. Guitar sheet music.


Leo Kottke - Home. Leo Kottke. Guitar нотни листове.


Leo Kottke - Home & Away Revisited by Leo Kottke. For Guitar. Live. DVD. DVD. MVD #MVD0503D. Published by MVD. HL.321106. This previously unavailable sold-out 1988 performance at Toronto's Bathurst St. Theater has been restored to feature Leo's entire performance, showcasing his masterful six-string, twelve-string, and slide guitar work. This DVD is filled with brilliant artistry and offbeat stories, reflecting Leo Kottke's life on the road and his unique view of the world. Songs performed include. Short Wave. Cripple Creek. Jack Fig. Louise. and more. 1 hour, 26 minutes.


Leo Kottke - Home. За Guitar. Живея. DVD. DVD. МВД. HL.321106. Това преди неиздавани разпродадени 1988 представление в Bathurst Св. Theater в Торонто е било възстановено включва цялата производителност на Лео, ще покаже своя майсторски шест-струнна, дванадесет-низ, и слайд китара. Това DVD е изпълнен с брилянтна артистичност и нестандартни истории, отразяващи живота Leo Kottke по пътя и неговата уникална гледка на света. Songs извършени включват. Short Wave. Cripple Creek. Jack Fig. Louise. и повече. 1 час, 26минути.