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Hair. The Musical. Easy Piano. Sheet Music. Easy Piano. EPF. Galt MacDermot.


Коса. The Musical. Easy Piano. Неподвързани ноти. Easy Piano. EPF. Galt MacDermot.


Thirteen of the most famous and popular songs from one of the most unique stage musicals ever produced are arranged here for Easy Piano. If you're just starting out on the Piano, but you still want to learn these great songs, this book is for you. Rejecting all tropes and traditions of Broadway musicals, Hair , which premiered in 1967, offered both an antidote and something new, surprising and shocking. Hair. The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical took the counter-culture of the late 1960s and transformed it into the musical medium, featuring profanity, nudity, drug use and songs that would become anti-Vietnam War protest tunes. The musical was never just a product of its time though, as its enduring appeal has proven. Thirteen of its most popular songs, many of which remain well-loved today, are included in this songbook arranged for Easy Piano. The simplified arrangements feature some guidance on fingering, as well as full lyrics and chord symbols. Songs like the show-opener Aquarius, with its inspiring message, and Ain't Got No, with its rejection of materialism, are included here, their fun lyrics and fantastic music making them sure-fire hits with any audience. Other popular songs like I Got Life, Where Do I Go. , Let The Sunshine In and Good Morning Starshine tell the story not just of the characters in the musical, but of universal themes of life that are common to us all. The 'Tribe' that are featured in the story are a group of counter-culture hippies whose story invoked laughter and sadness along with an empathy that has ensured the show's success even today. Featuring fantastic lyrics and story by James Rado and Gerome Ragni, as well as music by Galt MacDermot, each song in this Hair sheet music songbook is a joy to perform. You will love learning each note of the inspiring and uplifting tunes as well as every word of the touching and memorable lyrics. The success of the once-controversial musical is revealed by its numerous revivals, spanning almost half a century. Songs like Donna, I'm Black and Hair are as relevant now as they were then, making this songbook unique among other musicals for having songs that are both brilliant musically as well as being a mirror into our own world. If you're a fan of musicals in general, Hair in particular, or just great music inspired by the counter-culture revolution of the late '60s, then this songbook is definitely for you. Featuring songs that truly have stood the test of time arranged for Easy Piano, soon you'll be playing these tunes of hope, optimism and love no matter what age or ability you are. After all, isn't that in the spirit of the musical itself.


Thirteen of the most famous and popular songs from one of the most unique stage musicals ever produced are arranged here for Easy Piano. If you're just starting out on the Piano, but you still want to learn these great songs, this book is for you. Отхвърляйки всички тропи и традиции на мюзикъли на Бродуей, косата, чиято премиера е през 1967 г., предлага както антидот и нещо ново, изненадващо и шокиращо. Коса. The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical взе контра-култура от края на 1960-те години и се е превърнал в музикалната среда, с участието на нецензурни думи, голота, употребата на наркотици и песни, които ще станат против войната във Виетнам, протестни песни. Мюзикълът никога не е просто продукт на своето време, макар че, както е нейното трайно жалба е доказал. Thirteen of its most popular songs, many of which remain well-loved today, are included in this songbook arranged for Easy Piano. The simplified arrangements feature some guidance on fingering, as well as full lyrics and chord symbols. Песни като на шоу-отварачка Водолей, с неговото вдъхновяващо послание и го няма още няма, с отхвърлянето на материализма, се включват тук, техните забавни текстове и фантастична музика ги прави сигурен огън удари с всяка аудитория. Други популярни песни като I Got Life, Къде да отида. Нека The Sunshine In и Good Morning Starshine разкаже историята не само на героите в мюзикъла, но на универсални теми от живота, които са общи за всички нас. The "Племето", които са включени в историята са група от контра-културата хипита, чиято история се позова смях и тъга, заедно с емпатия, че е осигурил успеха на шоуто дори и днес. С участието на фантастични текстове и история от Джеймс Радо и Жером Ragni, както и музика от Galt MacDermot, всяка песен в тази коса нотни листове песнопойка е радост да изпълнява. Ще се влюбите в ученето всяка нота от вдъхновяващи и възвишени мелодии, както и всяка дума на трогателни и запомнящи се текстове. Успехът на веднъж-спорна мюзикъла се разкрива чрез своите многобройни съживления, която обхваща почти половин век. Песни като Дона, аз съм черен и косата са като съответната сега, тъй като те са били след това, което прави тази песнопойка уникален сред другите мюзикъли за това, че песните, които са едновременно брилянтно музикално както и като огледало в нашия собствен свят. Ако сте фен на мюзикъли като цяло, косата по-специално, или просто страхотна музика, вдъхновена от революцията контра-култура от края на 60-те години, а след това тази песнопойка определено е за вас. Featuring songs that truly have stood the test of time arranged for Easy Piano, soon you'll be playing these tunes of hope, optimism and love no matter what age or ability you are. After all, isn't that in the spirit of the musical itself.