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Mark Tanner. Listen To The World - Book 5. Sheet Music. Piano. PF. Mark Tanner.


Mark Tanner. Вслушайте се в света - Book 5. Неподвързани ноти. План. PF. Mark Tanner.


The fifth book in the Listen To The World series contains an eclectic range of Piano pieces covering all grades, written in response to Mark Tanner 's frequent trips abroad as a concert pianist and ABRSM examiner. ' Intriguing sounds emanate from all around us - the noises of the elements, animals and people going about their everyday business. There are exotic evocations and some ancient symbolism in the mix too, alongside a little humour here and there to lighten the mood. ' - Mark Tanner.


The fifth book in the Listen To The World series contains an eclectic range of Piano pieces covering all grades, written in response to Mark Tanner 's frequent trips abroad as a concert pianist and ABRSM examiner. "Интригуващи звуци издадени от всичко около нас - шумовете на елементите, животните и хората, занимаващи се ежедневната им дейност. Има екзотични пресъздаване и древна символика в микса също, заедно с малко хумор тук и там, за да се облекчи настроението. "- Mark Tanner.