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Rebecca Faith. Seren Y Nos, Star Of The Night. Sheet Music. Flute. Piano Accompaniment. FLT. PFA. Rebecca Faith.


Rebecca Faith. Seren Y Nos, Star Of The Night. Неподвързани ноти. Флейта. Съпровод на пиано. FLT. PFA. Rebecca Faith.


The title 'Seren Y Nos' is Welsh for 'Star of the Night'. This atmospheric piece by Rebecca Faith is based on a simple bass line made up of three chords but the overall result is quite complex. There are two main themes, the first heard on the piano, the second introduced by the flute - these two themes are then layered, inverted and heard in different ranges, timbres and textures to create a sound that goes far beyond two simple themes. The result is a magical sound that has a distinct enchanting impression of a vast open space, hence the title ‘Star of the Night’. All of Rebecca's Christmas Carol arrangements are fresh, exciting and uniquely crafted, and are very much for the concert platform rather than a sing-along or play-along at home with Dad playing the piano part. These beautiful arrangements require work on the part of both flautist and pianist, as with a demanding accompaniment they are very much a duo. The majority are for the advanced flautist, minimum grade 6-7 standard, as there are some complicated rhythms, flutter tonguing and technically challenging jazzy-style passages. Highly recommended and well received by audiences there is nothing else available like them, and so these challenging yet thoroughly enjoyable arrangements fill a gap in the market and are an effective and welcome addition to the repertoire, providing some festive music with a rather different flavour, away from the usual standard melody with accompaniment. The collection of 10 Christmas Carols was written for the flute and piano duo 'Tranquillo', who recorded them as their debut album 'Tranquillo Christmas' in 2010, a CD that has attracted some excellent reviews and can be purchased for 10. plus P&P. from www. tranquilloduo. com. "This is an original composition by Rebecca Faith. It is a real pleasure to perform and is a firm favourite amongst audiences. Based on three main chords, the themes are cleverly passed between the two parts, with both instruments being of equal importance. Reminiscent of film music, it is a must for the flute and piano duo, and will bring much enjoyment through the learning and performing of this piece. " - Sarah Waycott & Hannah Mitchell of Tranquillo Duo, November 2012. "This is a rather unknown carol, one which I haven't heard of or recognise, however its lush harmonies and high piano part with pedal base give it a starry-like quality. This requires an accomplished pianist, especially for the repeated octave passages and triplet figures against straight rhythms in the flute part. The flute part is for an advanced player too, covering the three-octave range of the flute and long repeated semi-quaver passages without a break. It would perhaps provide the chance for the audience to hear a lesser-known carol with an interesting flavour. " - Rachel Smith, November 2012.


The title 'Seren Y Nos' is Welsh for 'Star of the Night'. This atmospheric piece by Rebecca Faith is based on a simple bass line made up of three chords but the overall result is quite complex. There are two main themes, the first heard on the piano, the second introduced by the flute - these two themes are then layered, inverted and heard in different ranges, timbres and textures to create a sound that goes far beyond two simple themes. The result is a magical sound that has a distinct enchanting impression of a vast open space, hence the title ‘Star of the Night’. Всички договорености Ребека Christmas Carol са пресни, вълнуващо и уникално изработени, и са много за платформата на концерт, а не пеят заедно или играят-заедно у дома с татко свири на пиано част. Тези красиви споразумения изискват работа от страна на двете флейтист и пианист, като с взискателни съпровод те са много дуо. По-голямата част са за напреднали флейтист, минимален стандарт клас 6-7, тъй като има някои сложни ритми, трептене tonguing и техническо предизвикателство пасажи джази стил. Силно препоръчително и добре както от публиката няма нищо друго разположение като тях, и така тези предизвикателни все още е приятно и договорености запълни една празнота в пазара и са ефективен и добре дошло допълнение към репертоара, предлагайки някои празнична музика с доста различен вкус, далеч от обичайната стандартна мелодия с акомпанимент. Колекцията от 10 коледни песни е написана за флейта и пиано дует "Tranquillo", който ги записва като дебютния си албум "Tranquillo Коледа" през 2010 г., а CD, че е привлякла някои отлични отзиви и може да бъде закупен за 10. по-P. от WWW. tranquilloduo. COM. "This is an original composition by Rebecca Faith. It is a real pleasure to perform and is a firm favourite amongst audiences. Based on three main chords, the themes are cleverly passed between the two parts, with both instruments being of equal importance. Reminiscent of film music, it is a must for the flute and piano duo, and will bring much enjoyment through the learning and performing of this piece. "- Сара Waycott. "This is a rather unknown carol, one which I haven't heard of or recognise, however its lush harmonies and high piano part with pedal base give it a starry-like quality. This requires an accomplished pianist, especially for the repeated octave passages and triplet figures against straight rhythms in the flute part. The flute part is for an advanced player too, covering the three-octave range of the flute and long repeated semi-quaver passages without a break. It would perhaps provide the chance for the audience to hear a lesser-known carol with an interesting flavour. "- Рейчъл Смит, ноември 2012.