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Johann Sebastian Bach. Suite I G Major BWV 1007. Sheet Music. Cello. VLC. J.S. Bach.


Johann Sebastian Bach. Suite I G Major BWV 1007. Неподвързани ноти. Виолончело. VLC. J.S. Бах.


This separate edition of the first suite for Cello solo by Johann Sebastian Bach contains the musical text of the well-regarded Wiener Urtext edition with all six Cello suites of Bach by Ulrich Leisinger. Thanks to new findings, Leisinger managed to re-evaluate the sources which did not leave the structure of the musical text and the associated delicate problem of the slurs untouched. His re-evaluation gave reasons for a stronger freedom from the manuscript copy of Anna Magdalena Bach which had always been cited as main source until then despite its being very unreliable with regard to the articulation. thus the new edition leads to more convincing solutions. This separate edition is the perfect starting point to study Bach 's suites for Cello solo in class and provides amateurs with a technically accessible masterpiece in Cello literature.


This separate edition of the first suite for Cello solo by Johann Sebastian Bach contains the musical text of the well-regarded Wiener Urtext edition with all six Cello suites of Bach by Ulrich Leisinger. Благодарение на новите открития, Leisinger успяха да преоценят източниците, които не излизат от структурата на нотния текст и свързаната с деликатен проблем на обиди недокоснати. Неговата преоценка даде основания за по-силна свобода от ръкописа копие на Анна Магдалена Бах, които винаги са се цитира като основен източник дотогава въпреки че е много ненадеждна по отношение на артикулацията. По този начин новото издание води до по-убедителни решения. This separate edition is the perfect starting point to study Bach 's suites for Cello solo in class and provides amateurs with a technically accessible masterpiece in Cello literature.