Bass tablature for "Veins Run Dry" by "Demigod"

Artist: Demigod
Piece: Veins Run Dry
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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Band: Demigod
Song: Veins Run Dry

Drop D Tuning

Intro, guitar plays this twice slow before bass comes in.



This part of the intro is played all slap and pop is also used in the breakdown:

On 8th time, replace the last 3p2 with 2h3 on the high d string.

Guitar plays verse riff 4 times, at the end of the 4th time slide down the low d string.
Verse riff: played all slap and pop

Every 4th time that last low E is popped as the octave,
either 2nd fret on the high d string or 9th fret on the g string, and the last 
time play 2h3p2 on the high d string.

Chorus riff:


All slap and pop
On the last time play the g in place of the a then play
the a in the place of the g but an octave down on the low
d string and slide down to an f and hit the f twice, then
go into slap section of the intro, then the verse riff 4 times,
then the chorus riff, second time after singing stops on the last
chorus only hit the g twice to end the song.


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