what I will become I fear the day, Live by the Shadows of Mephistopheles We became the Emperors Of the Night, The destroyers of the crucifix On lonely nights
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Through dark dungeons I wander hearing this beautiful voice calling me athward Green mosses lead my pathways eery shrieks fulfill my joy calming fear
Calling upon the Ancient Ones Lords of a Time before memory Calling upon Ninnghizhidda, serpent of the deep The time of the entering of the Gods has
The calling of the four elemental powers hate rises in the sky Blood flows over my cold body this is my covenant with... Satan Demons possess my black
I shall make a proper sacrifice to bless Thee Daemoness!!! Hearken and remember! Queen of Death, rape me, take me Prevail thy presence in the lonely night
He has raised the draw-bridge above the moat He has locked and bolted all doors he passed He has taken care of it all for he is the one Who can lay
The night is our day, the darkness is our light As wolves... we cry... by the Fullmoon As bats... we roam... through the shadows As hunters... we sneak