Rota, rota Negra, negra gota Yegua vieja Lluvia dulce Me acompana Por la noche Hasta la manana Hay un mundo mas alla Otro mundo mas alla Hay un mundo
J'etais peut-etre Christophe Colomb Le decouvreur de l'Amerique En 1492, et que c'est donc loin Que l' temps passe vite ! En 1492, et que c'est donc loin
{Refrain:} Tonton Cristobal est revenu Des pesos des lingots il en a le cul cousu La famille hypocrite crie vive le barbu Tonton Cristobal est revenu
Saint Christopher He's lost and shaking He didn't know The neighbourhood ends Their walking In the streets Is that your dog With my name In my name Is
When I was young I spoke like a child, and I saw with a child's eyes And an open door was to a girl like the stars are to the sky It's funny how the world
Monday morning, comes a crawling in From another weekend choked with cigarettes and sin I've been busy, so much lately That every time I get some time
there's a road outside columbus, ohio feels like i drove along for years this midwest way of ease, it surrounds us i can't deny the rhythm here and as
The day the great explorer came The countess slapped the kitchen maid And snapped at her, "Bring the plates out faster!" The count sneered down as he
E? gia stanco di vagabondare sotto un cielo sfibrato per quel regno affacciato sul mare che dai Mori e insidiato e di terra ne ha avuta abbastanza, non
I dream of freedom, See no rhyme, In your reason to resist, Resist the power, By the hour, Ask the people to assist, In isolation we were beautiful, Cultured
Hanno ucciso a San Cristobal Lo dice la radio e lo dicono le sirene Che vanno e vengono Sono morti Pepe e Carlos E la mamma di Amaris di fianco a dona
There's no heart in the men who run these mountain bars All love extinguished by location and cold fronts Dogs in the parking lot surround the car for
(Tom Waits) Hang on St. Christopher Through the smoke and the oil Pumpin' iron around the scene Let the radiator boil Got no back down shift And a two
There's a road outside Columbus, Ohio. Feels like I drove along for years. this Midwest way of ease it surrounds us. I can't deny the rhythm here. And
Превод: Кърк, Анди. Христофор Колумб.
Превод: Mary Black. Луната и Св. Кристофър.
Превод: Мери-Chapin Карпентър. Луната и Св. Кристофър.
Превод: Continental скитници. Христофор Колумб трансконтинентални Highway.