From then on in that's how I spent most of my time. Some people call me Tim Where did that come from? I am to be no other than Don Juan Ever since that
dr don juan isch blau wie ne luftposchtbrief u schpitz wie ne caran d'ache louft ziczac zum redez-vous u chunnt z'schpat u schpeter z'frueh e nobauprystreger
Well, I ain't nothin' but a man in love I ain't nothin' but a man in love The girls they say I'm their only one They even say I'm a modern Don Juan Well
Don Juan You could fire my desire And you do Take all of me Don't break my heart Don't break my heart Take all of me Don't break my heart Don't break
It fell from midnight skies It drummed on the galvanized In the washroom, women tracked the rain Up to the make up mirror Liquid soap and grass And jungle
Maybe I'm just kidding myself When I say, "I love you", I don't know Loving without trusting You get frostbite and sunstroke I wish I felt nothing You
I'm Don Juan's reckless daughter I came out two days on your tail Those two bald-headed days in November Before the first snowflakes sail Out on the
There was a moon and a street lamp I didn't know I drank such a lot 'Till I pissed a tequila-anaconda The full length of the parking lot Oh, I talk too
the meal and serve the maid! Serve the master so that, when tables, plans and maids are laid Don Juan triumphs once again! DON JUAN (PIANGI) Passarino
's escorting Don Juan to his bride Knows he is courting an impudent pride Think of his jealousy, oh, where will he hide? The man, who's escorting Don Juan
final scene of "Don Juan TRIUMPHANT" A huge hall with an arch. Behind the arch, which has curtains, is a bed. A fine table, laid for two. PASSARINO, DON JUAN
I'm Don Juan's reckless daughter I came out two days on your tail Those two bald-headed days in November Before the first snowflakes sail Out on the vast
En un viaje de locuras te lo encotraras El es un grande cuya Si tus ojos ya no se abren Tus ya lo sabes el es un grande Son las ensenanzas de Don Juan
Gloire a qui freine a mort, de peur d'ecrabouiller Le herisson perdu, le crapaud fourvoye Et gloire a don Juan, d'avoir un jour souri A celle a qui les
Te han dicho de mi que soi Don Juan; Que no valgo nada No tengo palabra Que soi una patan.. Mee han dicho de ti.. Que no eres reaL Porque eres tan bella
Finie la mascarade, Et bien fini le joli c?ur, Car Don Juan, Don Juan est malade, Mais Don Juan se meurt. Elodie, Christine et Sylvie, Dolores et la Lolita
's escorting Don Juan to his bride Knows he is courting an impudent pride Think of his jealousy, oh, where will he hide? The man who's escorting Don Juan
Превод: Джоан Armatrading. Дон Жуан.