. Ich kenn Dich. Ich seh, ob Dich was freut oder ob es Dich krankt. Ich kenn Dich so gut. Du hast mehr als jeden Schimmer von mir. Ich weiss, ich hang
denkst. Ich kenn Dich. Ich seh, ob Dich was freut oder ob es Dich krankt. Ich kenn Dich so gut. Du hast mehr als jeden Schimmer von mir. Ich weiss, ich
Ladies and gentlemen start your engines 'Cause I'm on a roll Well, I'm on a roll, let it roll Baby, roll, roll, roll Well, I'm on a roll, let it roll
universe will shine In the golden temple of the sun I see the fiery one the universe will shine Homo sapien am I no more Beyond beyond I soar the universe
My dear that is not an act of love Expressionless...faces Staring at the novelty Nobody's foolish enough To shed a tear Incidental music Sick Sick Smell
On darkened streets tonight I see a simple time I see the warning light When the summer comes undone No sorry closing eyes No cutting down to size No
I've just seen a face, I can't forget the time or place Where we just met, she's just the girl for me And I want all the world to see we've met
apri l?universo Sole, un pianeta e per noi soli sole, un pianeta e per noi soli Ma come mi prende l?amore quando sente infinito un amore Sole, l?universo
stayin rooted Instead of be?in pimped & then prostituted Won?t be the last time Cause it ain?t the first So do I dare disturb the universe? VERSE
Превод: През Вселената Саундтрак. Джим Стърджис - Току-що видял Face.
Превод: Донован. Вселената I Am.
Превод: Симпсън, Джесика. Мисля, че съм In Love With You (Live От Universal Amphitheater).
Превод: Yo La имам. Лятото.
There's an accident just waiting to happen. Looks like my old heart has got a brand new captain. Letting go of all the things I know, with both eyes closed
: Si te tengo a ti ya no quiero nada mi calma eres tu hay quien piensa que me enganas no callan hablan de ti y no te conocen nada de nada van por ahi