Это лето пожалело тепла, ты осталась одна. Только дождь и холода, а в сердце пустота. Нету сил простить и забыть, Только за окном дождь стучит.
and there you are standing all alone, in the rain like oh no, and you dont know where to go, cause your in the rain, and and there you are standing all
The runway sends it's love tonight, as my plane lands in the rain The seatbelt fastened sign blinks off, and I am asked to feel the same As I did that
Превод: Вернер, Max. Rain През май.
: [Chorus] And there you are standing all alone, in the rain like oh no And you don't know where to go, cause you're in the rain And there you are standing
Keep that head held high And dont you let them see you fall Mistakes are blessings in disguise Smile when everything falls And laugh when you start
[Chorus] And there you are standing all alone, in the rain like oh no And you don't know where to go, cause you're in the rain And there you are standing
Don't go after him Don't go after him Don't go after him Don't go On our walk today You were about to lift and stir against Where he's been blowing to
похож, И только дождь тихо слезы льет с утра... Все ждали снег, но пошел весенний дождь. Ну что ж, пора, ну что ж, пора! Из дома я выйду, улыбнусь дождю
смоет дождь вызывая взглядом дрожь Ты стоишь, а чуть дыша тают времени цвета Все обиды смоет дождь... Для тебя и для меня... Тебя... Все обиды смоет дождь