Take my best friend Bo" "Take anybody that you want As long as she don?t go Take any boy in the world Daddy please, don?t take the girl" Same old boy
, take my best friend Bo Take anybody that you want as long as she don't go Take any boy in the world Daddy please don't take the girl Same old boy Same
Превод: Джъд Cledus T. Моля, Take The Girl (Пародия "Не приемайте The Girl" - Tim McGraw).
Превод: Тим Макгроу. Не приемайте Girl.
friend Bo Take anybody that you want as long as she don't go Take any boy in the world Daddy please don't take the girl Same old boy Same sweet girl
take my best friend Bo Take anybody that you want as long as she don't go Take any boy in the world Daddy please don't take the girl Same old boy Same