Brother how far, from the saviour today Risking your soul, for the things that he gave Oh if today, God should call you away What would you give, in exchange
Changes of clothes and summer showers Like changing the guard it only lasts for hours Wondering what and where did it go Crying over nothing worth crying
Brother afar from The Savior today Risking your soul for the things that decay Oh if today God should call you away What would you give in exchange for
Too many people need me I've got so much, so much to do But when my traveling is over I'll pay you back with interest I'll pay you back with interest
Revelation, unknowing has been taken Why had I waited so long? Refrained for this love Never open to the hope He has How could I reject this? He was
(I guess the only reality is the one you seem to believe in. Well I'm walking out, this is the last time, I feel like shit. This isn't the way to treat
Well she's up against the register With an apron and a spatula With yesterday's deliveries And the tickets for the bachelors She's a moving violation
E di nuovo cambio casa di nuovo cambiano le cose di nuovo cambio luna e quartiere come cambia l'orizzonte, il tempo, il modo di vedere cambio posto e
Garbo, Marilyn o Monalisa. No, no, no, no te cambio por nada, Ni por un viaje a Fiji con la Venus de Milo, Ni la Britney o Madonna me haran cambiar
(Clarke / Hicks / Nash) Too many people need me I've got so much, So much to do But when my travelling is over I'll pay you back with interest I'll pay
They always said let summer run it's course You and I are sitting on my front porch Wondering why tired days will not retire on their own The sun starts
I guess the only reality is the one you seem to believe in. So I'm walking out, this is the last time, I feel like shit. This isn't the way to treat old
everyday i wake up i'm in love with you so much and i wouldnt have it any other way slip on my jeans, tie my shoes get in my car i'm off to see you it
Превод: Рикардо Arjona. Не го промени за нищо.
Превод: Монро, Бил. Какво ще даде в замяна?.
Превод: Times, Златни. Marie в обмена.
Превод: Hollies. Pay Можете върна с лихви.