Tausend Augen stürzen aus dem Dunkeln Tausend Hände kralln sich an mir fest Tausend Ängste schlitzen mir die Hände Tausend Nä
Tausend Augen sturzen aus dem Dunkeln Tausend Hande kralln sich an mir fest Tausend Angste schlitzen mir die Hande Tausend Nachte strande ich gestresst
Превод: Глупав. Психо.
: Tausend Augen sturzen aus dem Dunkeln Tausend Hande kralln sich an mir fest Tausend Angste schlitzen mir die Hande Tausend Nachte strande ich gestresst
We exert power with metal showers at all hours While they devour with mental prowess and kill ours Show of force for harm it's main source We divorce
bow bow bump bump What, what, what, what (Hah hah hah hah) Uhh On your mark, ready, set, let's go Dance floor pro, I know you know I go psycho when
might get fooled if you come from out of town But I'm down by law, and I know my way around Down in the Village, you might think I'm silly But you
it goes on We doing it right 1986 we first came out Girls ain't nothing but trouble to get our name out It was a fun record but a bit silly They said
Remy in me I kick it from the heart, that's why niggas feel me Show ya'll the true meanin' why Banger act Willie 'Cause I start to spaz and smack a bitch silly
'em the beef My nine milly blaze an' hit hard like Willy Mays Since my kiddy days Grew up with thugs who were really crazed Ain't no silly games, right
' backstage doin' mother, ugh, doggystyle Hot, wild, raw, whores' still suave Check out this style that I've Soul simulated, sounds from a stocky Semi social, never seem sloppy See silly
brink of pot (ehr) This the reason I sit at the window with the milla wishin a nigga gon come break in (chaa) It is the reason I be freakin the women deeper lovin makin her silly
beep me On my pager to beep me an' I sense they negative energy Feelin' like some gangsta, gangsta shit to me Don't matter where you go, it's psycho,
get like a quick stick It's just another one dud and is dismissed Kitty guard your grill, well be for real, you ain't built I'm silly ho smackin' MC'
Bring it, whoa Uh, uh, uh, uh, aha, aha What, what, what, what, uh On your mark, ready set, lets go Dance floor pro I know you know I go psycho when
alive Lets ride everybody gonna die Fuck the world nigga ain't nobody getting out Now I won't stop I just rock and I battle your whole clique You a homo you a trick silly
go out If the head good I might show out If it's right that I?m tight like a fin When dis pipe blow out The fifth ward, let a psycho out Young Rome